This item is great for the "do-it-yourself" person! With some creativity, you can bring these bags back to life. When the government scrapped them, they removed straps, hardware, and/or partially unstitched components. They are not all are the same condition.
Here's your chance to score a deal because these backpacks are made from high-quality materials built to withstand your daily adventures. With a spacious main compartment, back pocket, and 2 side pockets, one can easily access all the essentials on-the-go. Perfect for travel, work, or everyday use.
Main compartment: 12"Wx12"Hx6"
Back Pocket: 12"Wx11.5H"Hx6"
Side Pockets: 8"Wx6.5"x3"
Grade 1: With some straps
Grade 2: No straps
*Remember, these need repair.